Welcome to SoCal Pipester

SoCal Pipes II

Above, you’ll see links to pages that provide valuable information about our pipe-smoking world, “how-to” videos, free PDFs, etc. The list will grow and shift over time, so stay posted.

To your right, you’ll see links to recent posts and to other places of a pipe smokers interest.

Below, you’ll find monthly archives.

Pipe and tobacco reviews, industry news, and socio-political commentary relating to matters that affect the life of a pipe smoking enthusiast make up the content of this site.

So make yourself at home, leave your comments, observations and insights you’d like to share. Like everybody else, We at SoCal Pipester have opinions that are freely expressed, though we try to do so in a friendly manner.  Be friendly, and we’ll leave some ‘baccy by the doorway for you.

*Pipe motif stolen from the Pipe Guys’ “pipe designs” pipe bag